
(This questionnaire has been adapted and is used with permission from the Center for Independent Learning at the College of DuPage in Illinois. It was originally adapted from "Are Telecourses for Me?" from PBS-Adult Learning Service, The Agenda, Spring 1994.) Answer honestly — no one will see this but you!

2. Feeling that I am part of a class is:


3. I would classify myself as someone who:

4. Classroom discussion is:

5. When an instructor hands out directions for an assignment, I prefer:

6. I need faculty comments on my assignments:

7. Considering my professional and personal schedule, the amount of time I have to work on a distance-learning course is:

8. Coming to campus on a regular schedule is:
Extremely difficult for me — I have commitments (work, family or personal) during times when classes are offered.

9. As a reader, I would classify myself as:

10. When I need help understanding the subject: I am uncomfortable approaching an instructor, but do it anyway



  • If you scored 20 or more, a distance-learning course is a real possibility for you.

  • If you scored between 11 and 20, distance-learning courses may work for you, but you may need to make a few adjustments in your schedule and study habits to succeed.

  • If you scored 10 or less, distance learning currently may not be the best alternative for you; talk to your academic advisor.


  1. Distance learning students sometimes neglect their courses because of personal or professional circumstances. Having a compelling reason for taking the course helps motivate the student to stick with the course.

  2. Some students prefer the independence of the correspondence model of Distance learning; others find the independence uncomfortable and miss being part of the classroom experience. For these students, the on-line model of distance learning may be a good alternative. On-line courses often require participation in online discussion forums and may provide opportunities for group work and interaction in the "virtual classroom".

  3. Distance learning courses give students greater freedom of scheduling, but they can require more self-discipline than on-campus classes.

  4. Some people learn best by interacting with other students and instructors. Others learn better by listening, reading and reviewing on their own. Distance learning by correspondence provides less opportunity for group interaction than most on-campus or on-line courses.

  5. Distance learning requires you to read, analyze and think critically. In correspondence courses, students do this largely on their own, with guidance from their instructor as requested. On-line courses provide opportunities for students and instructors to discuss the readings from a critical perspective — bringing many points of view to the analysis.

  6. It may take as long as two to three weeks to get comments back from your instructor in correspondence based distance learning classes.

  7. Distance Learning requires at least as much time as on-campus courses. Students surveyed say that distance-learning courses are as hard or harder than on-campus courses.

  8. Most people who are successful with Distance Learning find it difficult to come to campus on a regular basis because of their work, family or personal schedules.

  9. Print materials are the primary source of directions and information in most correspondence model distance-learning courses.

  10. Students who do well in distance learning courses are usually comfortable contacting the instructor as soon as they need help with the course.

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