Course Repeats

You may choose to repeat a course either to improve your GPA or to gain mastery over subject matter that is important to your degree and academic goals. However, before repeating a course, you should discuss this with your Faculty. Each Faculty may have different regulations and policies about repeating courses. You should also note the following:

  • The grade received for the course first time around will remain on your academic record.
  • You will not receive additional credit for the repeated course (Arts).
  • Your instructor may require you to submit different assignments on a repeat course. You will need to discuss expectations and requirements with your instructor at the start of the term!

Here are some questions to ask yourself before you commit to repeating a course:

  • Am I aware of the regulations for advancement for my faculty? See the Resources below.
  • Have I discussed the requirements for repeating my course with my instructor? Am I clear about whether or not I will be able to re-submit previous work with changes?
  • Am I clear about my reasons for completing the course?

Here are some links to UBC policy regarding academic advancement, for your reference:

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

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